Mayor and Council
The City of Hamilton is served by a mayor and five at-large councilmembers. Currently serving the City for the term of November 2020 to November 2024 are: Mayor Bob Page, Council members Scott Robertson, Wade Williams, Matt Sims, Ross Reed, and Scott Tyra.

Phone: (205) 921-2121
Mailing address: P.O. Box 188, Hamilton, AL 35570
Physical location: 736 Military Street South, Hamilton, AL 35570

Hamilton Police Department
Chief Ronnie Vickery and the 15 officers of HPD serve the City of Hamilton in protecting its citizens.

Emergency Phone: 911
Business Phone: (205) 921-7424
Mailing address: P.O. Box 188, Hamilton, AL 35570
Physical location: 427 James Crump Memorial Parkway, Hamilton, AL 35570

Hamilton Fire Department
The highly rated Hamilton Fire Department serves the City of Hamilton with Chief Tim Rye, Assistant Chief Matt McCracken, 9 career firefighters, and 20 part-time and volunteer firefighters.

Emergency Phone: 911
Business Phone: (205) 921-2877
Mailing address: P.O. Box 561, Hamilton, AL 35570
Physical location: 561 Sixth Street Southwest, Hamilton, AL 35570

Clyde Nix Public Library
Phone: (205) 921-4290
Fax: (205) 921-4290
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1944, Hamilton AL 35570
Physical Location: 350 Bexar Avenue W., Hamilton AL 35570
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

At the Clyde Nix Public Library, our goal is to make your visit pleasant and successful. We want to help you find the material or information you need. Please ask us if you have any questions or are unable to find what you need.


The Hamilton Public Library was established in 1932. The first books to be placed in the library were donated by Mr. Corbet Bishop of New York. The town provided a building in which to house the library. At that time, the building also housed the town's fire station with a petition separating the two. Mrs. Gera Rudicell was the town's first librarian. In 1962, the new City Hall was erected and the library was in that building for 26 years.

Mr. Clyde Nix, a life-long resident of Hamilton, graciously donated land adjacent to his home to the City of Hamilton for the purpose of constructing a new library. Mrs. Hilma Sargent, Library Board Chairperson, was very instrumental in persuading Mr. Nix to donate the vacant lot. The current building was constructed in 1988 and renamed in his honor.

Reaching Beyond Our Boundaries

The Clyde Nix Public Library is a treasure house of information and entertainment for our friends and neighbors of all ages!
  • Books for romance, travel, adventure and learning
  • Periodicals for current events, local, state, national and international
  • Genealogy references for researching our ancestors
  • Children's books and special programs
  • Internet access for searching and for a wide range of studies
  • Homework assistance for students
  • Geography references for traveling without cost or jet lag
  • History in the making and in the past, locally and throughout the world
Our Library is a quiet place to become engrossed in your favorite book, or you can get lost in searching for those special and unique experiences found only outside the limits of your daily grind. Think of the excitement to be found by scouting the expanding resources of our local library.

Hamilton Water and Sewer Department
Manager: Rodney Williams
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 268, Hamilton, Alabama 35570
Phone: 205-921-7484
Fax: 205-921-2220

One (1) with a volume of 336,000 gallons.

Storage Facilities: Six (6) ground storage tanks providing a total capacity of 2,300,000 gallons hydraulic levels of 484 ft, 676.8 ft, 772.5 ft, 800 ft and 818 ft MSL).

Booster Pumping Stations: Three (3) with a total pump rated capacity of 600 gpm.

Distribution: Approximately 165 miles of PVC water main and 30 miles of cast/ductile iron pipe for a total of 195 miles, with service available to all 4 I-22 Off-ramps.

Connections to Additional Systems:
One with the Guin Water and Sewer Board for emergency/supplemental water suppply.

Hamilton Wastewater Facility
Phone Number: (205) 921-7903

Original Facility Constructed 1983
New Wastewater Facility Constructed 1999, up-dated present system and increased capacity.
Total Capacity: 2.6mgd
Average Daily Flow: 500,000 gallons
Total of 14 Sewer Pumping Stations
Sewer Available to All 4 I-22 Off-Ramps
Customers Served: 1,100
Alabama Department of Environmental Management inspections show the Wastewater Facility to be maintained and operated properly.

Hamilton Park and Recreation Department
E.T. Sims, Jr. Neighborhood Facilities Building

Phone:(205) 921-4371
Fax:(205) 921-2220
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 188, Hamilton AL 35570
Physical Location: 371 7th Avenue SW, Hamilton, AL 35570

Tim Kerr, Director

Business Hours
7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. Monday - Thursday
7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Friday
1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Saturday & Sunday

Senior Center
(205) 921-2977
Room 13

  • Dominoes
  • Checkers
  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Meals and more.
Street & Sanitation Department
Superintendent: Mike Johnson
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 188, Hamilton, AL 35570
Phone: (205) 921-9305

Primary Responsibilities
  • Maintenance and repair of all city streets and right-of-ways
  • Collection and disposal of garbage within the city limits of Hamilton
Residential Garbage Collection
Residential garbage is collected on a regular schedule Monday through Friday.
The cost to residential customers is $17.00 monthly and is collected along with
the customer's monthly water bill.

Large garbage cans are available to residential customers for $60.
Call 921-2121 for more information.

Holiday Collection
If your regular collection day falls on a holiday, your garbage will be
collected on the next working day.

Special Trash Collection
The Street & Sanitation department offers collection of inert items such as
appliances, furniture, and brush/limbs to residential customers at no additional cost.
This service is limited to 2 loads per year at no cost. There will be a charge of $50.00 for
each additional load. Call 921-2121 to schedule collection of these items.

Disposal of deceased animals on city streets
Call the Street & Sanitation office at 921-9305 to request disposal.

Residential driveway installation/maintenance
The Street & Sanitation department offers installation and maintenance of residential driveways. The owner is required to pay for labor and materials. Some of the costs for this service are:
  • Slag - $75.00 per load
  • Clay gravel - $10.00 per load
  • Grading - $20.00 per hour

Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce
225 1st Street SW
PO Box 1168
Hamilton AL 35570

(205) 921-7786

 Member Directory
© 2025 Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce and Hamilton B.A.S.E. All Rights Reserved. Photos and images © Hamilton Area Chamber of Commerce or the image owner. Photos may not be copied or used without permission.
Website designed, maintained, and hosted by Hamilton B.A.S.E.